"Slow the Plot Down"
from Mighty Jack
Transcribed by Lisa Jenkins
[On the satellite:]
TOM: [in background] Arr! Ha, ha, ha, ha!
JOEL: Well, me blimy buckos, the movie's over, the pain is past
and I feel like singing a plot shanty. Be lively now, me Bonnie
Raitts. Ah!
ALL: Oh! Slow the plot down, laddie,
Slow the plot down.
Way-hey! Slow the plot down.
We'll scuttle the story and run 'er a-ground.
We'll try so hard to slow the plot down.
JOEL: Okay, now. Who can tell me their favorite scene from the
movie so far?
TOM: Oh, sure!
JOEL: Tom? Go ahead.
TOM: There was a--there was a, um, da, uh...argh!
ALL: Oh! Slow the plot down, laddie,
Slow the plot down.
Way-hey! Slow the plot down
With German, Italian and Japanese clowns.
We'll try so hard to slow the plot down.
JOEL: Okay. Well, how 'bout you--how 'bout you, Crow? You must
be full to bursting--
CROW: Huh?
JOEL: --with some fond memories of today's movie. Come on--think
CROW: Oh, ah, uh, um.
TOM: Brother.
CROW: Uh, ah, geez, Joel. I'm drawing a blank!
TOM: Yeah, me too.
CROW: I, ah, um. Oh! I remember vaguely a guy locked--locked in
a room with another guy and someone...running....
TOM: Oh!
CROW: Arr! Arr! Arr!
ALL: Oh! We'll make you a movie
That's long and immense.
Way-hey! Slow the plot down.
Just give us a script that makes
No friggin' sense!
We'll try so hard to slow the plot down!
JOEL: Well, come on, you guys. I can remember--I for one--in
vivid detail--a frog man who, uh. Just who is--who's Mighty
Jack, anyway?
TOM: Oh! Wow! It just hit me! I remember! The scene where
Queequag sits motionless on the deck meditating foretelling
the death of the crew--
CROW: Oh! Yeah! Yeah! And then Scout sees Adicka shoot the mad
dog in the street and Alex
goes to the comes--
JOEL: I--I remember. And then Patrick Swayze walks in and
ALL: "It's my way or the highway."
CROW: Ha, ha!
JOEL: Ha, ha!
TOM: Arr!
JOEL: Come on, guys.
CROW: Oh! My brain hurts!
TOM: Joel, I'm so confused!
JOEL: It's really not that bad, you guys. I for one actually
feel like I just got done listening to two hours of Lou Reed's
metal machine music.
TOM: Hey!
JOEL: You know, my brain feels clean as a whistle!
CROW: And that's pretty good!
JOEL: Yeah! It is!
TOM: That's not bad! Let's take it home, boys!
JOEL: Okay!
ALL: Slow the plot down, laddie,
Slow the plot down.
Way-hey! Slow the plot down.
Just scuttle the story and run 'er a-ground.
We'll try so hard to slow the plot down!
TOM: Arr!
JOEL: Arr! Me blimy overlords, what-a think-y? Arr!
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