"Love Theme from Mystery Science Theatre"
from opening of Mystery Science Theater 3000
as shown on Comedy Central (1993-95)
Lyrics: The Brains
Music: Charles Erickson and Joel Hodgson
In the not-too-distant future
Way down in Deep 13,
Dr. Forrester and TV's Frank
Were hatching an Evil Scheme.
They hired a temp by the name of Mike,
Just a regular joe they didn't like.
Their experiment needed a good test case,
So they conked him on the noggin
And they shot him into space. (Get me down!)
We'll send him cheesy movies,
The worst we can find (la-la-la),
He'll have to sit and watch them all,
And we'll monitor his mind (la-la-la).
Now keep in mind Mike can't control
Where the movies begin or end (la-la-la),
He'll try to keep his sanity
With the help of his robot friends.
Robot Roll Call:
Cambot! (Show yourself!)
Gypsy! (I'm not ready!)
Tom Servo! (Hello there!)
Croooow! (That's one "o"!)
If you're wondering how he eats and breathes
and other science facts (la la la),
Then repeat to yourself, "It's just a show,
I should really just relax
For Mystery Science Theater 3000!"
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